Him: You totally lied to me about when you sent these out!! You sent them out on the 11th 2 days ago!! You SUCK dude!! You waited 9 days to send them out. Then you only paid 1.53 for shipping and charged me 6.00 what the hell man??!! I'm considering giving you a Negative, I haven't decided if I'm gonna do that or just not leave any feedback at all. It looks like most of your transactions on here are with you being the buyer and not the seller, so why would you do me like this when you know as a buyer that it sucks when you get a seller that jacks you around on postage and on the time it takes for the seller to get the product out to you. You also didn't say these were Digipaks on your auction. YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!
Me: did you get your items? yes; i don't care what feedback you leave me.
Him: Cool! Then I'll leave you the worst possible feedback that I can. Every little bad detail about this whole experience. If you don't care then you shouldn't be on Ebay in the first place!
SMARTEN UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: maybe you shouldn't be such a tight assed little closet homo. didn't your overbearing mother ever teach you about patience? OMG THESE CDS DIDNT ARRIVE IN LIKE 2 DAYS, WAH WAH WAH, I HAVE NO LIFE OR FRIENDS AND ALL I HAVE IS CDS. lol, what a failure. give me an essay in each of the feedback you leave me, chunks, i do not care; besides, little girl, i can always start a new eBay account.
Him: You really are a cheesy stupid fuck aren't you?? It's alright little guy, don't get too upset grab your blanky and your ba ba and take a night night before you upset your little tummy. You Dumb Motherfucker!!
(he then proceeded to send me a 2nd message after this one which reads as follows)
Still Him: BTW:I saw your picture
and you look like one of those guys that still actually lives with their mother in her basement that collects Star Trek figures and masturbates in his own feces while sniffing his mothers panties!!
Me: you're the one shitting your pants over 2 CDs like a little homo; you fail, I win, little girl. Now go ahead and put on one of those CDs while you try on your mom's undies.
so, in conclusion, i got your money, you're crying, i win, you lose. move along and go spend more money on plastic because nobody likes you on account of your morbid obesity and face riddled with acne.
the winner.
him: I killed my mother 20 years ago dumbshit. So there really isn't any chance of trying on anything of hers since I burned everything including her body after I had some "carnal violence" with her (of course)!! I have plenty of money that wasn't my problem: My problem was just having to deal with such a Dipshit that has no business sense at all since he's probably never had a real job in his life since he lives in mommies basement sucking on his on his mothers used Kotex pads(plus size I'm sure) while shoving a broomstick up his ass and choking himself. You sure are one sick stupid fuck aren't you??!!
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