One of my earliest memories of Video Games
The earliest memory I have cemented into my brain of gaming is something I'll talk about in a future post, but for now here is the one that I hold dearest to my heart (sad, a gaming memory held so closely with such passion and love.)

So, I'm 8 years old, maybe 7, and I've just returned home from some field trip that my class attended; I remember that as the field trip came to a close the skies grew grey and drizzles of rain began to pidder down onto all the people there; I think it was some kind of -fest, Native American Fest or Indian Summer or something like that; I don't remember.
So, my mom comes to get me from school after the yellow bus returns us and I walk into the house, make my way through the kitchen and dining room to enter the living room and I see that the TV is on, the Super NES sitting in front of it, and on the screen is the screen that you see in the first Mortal Kombat game when you're moving from one enemy to the next; I don't remember what character he was at, but my dad had gone out to rent it and was playing as a fellow I would come to know as Sub-Zero.

I don't remember if I took over or if I waited for him to come back from the bathroom, everything after that was a haze of blood (well, not any blood, there was no blood in the SNES version, fucking Nintendo) and death and kicking and punching and gloyven!....ahem, anyways, thus was the beginning of a long, long love affair with a series that change what kind of content could be found in a game; no Mortal Kombat, no Grand Theft Auto, boys and girls.....think about it.

So, I'm 8 years old, maybe 7, and I've just returned home from some field trip that my class attended; I remember that as the field trip came to a close the skies grew grey and drizzles of rain began to pidder down onto all the people there; I think it was some kind of -fest, Native American Fest or Indian Summer or something like that; I don't remember.
So, my mom comes to get me from school after the yellow bus returns us and I walk into the house, make my way through the kitchen and dining room to enter the living room and I see that the TV is on, the Super NES sitting in front of it, and on the screen is the screen that you see in the first Mortal Kombat game when you're moving from one enemy to the next; I don't remember what character he was at, but my dad had gone out to rent it and was playing as a fellow I would come to know as Sub-Zero.

I don't remember if I took over or if I waited for him to come back from the bathroom, everything after that was a haze of blood (well, not any blood, there was no blood in the SNES version, fucking Nintendo) and death and kicking and punching and gloyven!....ahem, anyways, thus was the beginning of a long, long love affair with a series that change what kind of content could be found in a game; no Mortal Kombat, no Grand Theft Auto, boys and girls.....think about it.

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